Saturday, May 31, 2014

Gasoline Pony

Giddy up! Gasoline Pony is the perfect little bar. Decked out in second hand furniture - it's like being in someones house but with bar staff who make great cocktails and fantastic food. Kind of homely but in a good way and there is a piano in the corner. I'd happily move in.

115 Marrickville Road Marrickville.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

V is for

Vapour trails

I know, I know - this is a really hard one but I love vapour trails. Sometimes when I see these lines in the sky I stop to make a wish.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday morning sounds

Into Your Arms - the Lemonheads

U is for


There is a song that comes into my head every time I hear this word. Umbrella - ella ella, ay ay ay.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Thank you

So it has now been a week, and yeah... I'm still sad (and I miss him) but things are okay. Thank you for all your lovely thoughts, calls, hugs, emails, company, flowers, bob sledding ideas, coffee dates, baked goods, distractions, cards, more flowers, picnics, stories and checking that I'm doing alright.

Here's to you bdog. Most loved dog in my universe.

Friday, May 23, 2014

It's a Friday - must be Melbourne

Looking up at the nighttime sky, looking down at the city lights below

What is with me and cars and planes? 

I always become so melancholic - thinking just a little too much. Sometimes I daydream about things that end well, but then I temper that with the reality of how things really are. It's a roller coaster of daydreaming, that's what it is. That, mixed with a bit of turbulence and some terrible biscuit snacks.

This morning as I flew into the sunrise I thought that it was lovely to be so close to you in the sky. Then I realised I don't believe in any of that and wondered where that thought came from. 

And as I flew into Canberra tonight, I couldn't help but see myself sitting on the back step of the little yellow house, looking into the dark. I often took a moment there to sit with you and to look at the Melbourne planes coming into land. And here I was on that very plane looking at the city lights below. I closed my eyes... and for a second I could see myself looking up at the night time sky, with you sitting next to me. Like you always did. You know, there was just the perfect amount of room for the two of us there on that back step. Moments like these, I hope to never forget.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

A lifetime of wonderful - 24 hours of it in photos

A lifetime of wonderful right up until the last 24 hours. It started with a sky filled with whispy clouds and bold vapour trails and ended with the biggest halo around the brightest moon.