Tuesday, March 18, 2014


So I went to the French film festival with a head cold and not much sleep. I wanted to go because it was a fun thing to do with some fun peeps. I saw a film that went for two hours with lots of French words and subtitles. The film was good but it was so nice and dark in there that I had a few little micro sleeps. Just tiny ones, but enough to make me want to snuggle into the seat and cover myself with a big heavy blanket.

Instead I jiggled around. A lot.

But the film. It was funny in parts - and very relatable if you have ever had to write a speech or talking points or the like. It's about a guy who goes to work for a Minister as the communications guy, writing speeches. He has to navigate his way through all the advisors and the Minister himself, who constantly changes the theme of the speech and asks for multiple rewrites. Sorry - that makes it sound very boring. It really isn't, but there is just not much more to say. Worst movie blog post ever.

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