Thursday, November 7, 2013


You know sometimes I write these blog posts in my head as daydreams and then never come out near as good in practice. I guess in my mind I can be brave with words and feelings - but in writing I seem to lose that free thought.

So today, I was thinking of friendship, because today is one of my oldest and dearest friends birthday. It occurred to me just how much our friendship has seen - many laughs and long phone calls, holidays, births, a marriage, death, big heartbreak, loss and life. There are things she knows that others don't and the stories and memories we share that cover nearly two decades of life. 

The holiday in Seville with a baby who is now a teenager. I still have the empty packet of lucky stripes from our last night on the town...and I remember the hangover. And even before that - the four of us travelling to Blackpool (disaster) Tomich, Madrid and Barcelona. And at the Atlas Hotel, just hanging out. That was the year our friendship started and here it is, still today, and will be I'm sure until we can no longer remember.

And all this made me think and wonder if other people know and understand the value of friendship. Or more to the point, if they know how important their friendship is to me. I have many good friends who I hold dearly. New friends, old friends, Canberra friends, gypsy friends. Friends who are far far away and friends up the road who go get ice-cream. Friends who have influenced my decisions, who I go to for advice, who make me laugh, who keep me sane and make sure I know I'm loved. 

I don't know if half of those people actually understand how important they are to me. But for those who are here, reading this now - know that you are. 

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