Sunday, December 11, 2011

Seasons somethings

So I tried to get into the spirit of the holiday season and I put up my tree. Well a tree. Well a series of copied bits of paper to represent a tree. I showed it to the gypsy girl in London, who pointed out that while I was trying to get into the holiday spirit, I had placed my christmas tree where it would be completely blocked due to the placement of my front door. I could move it....but I probably won't.


  1. Will you be attending the beaches for Christmas - as I remember tradition dictates up there, there will be enough lights there to brighten anyone's spirit..

  2. Hmmm - it is already happening on the beaches. Mum and Len are already outdazzling the rest of the street. It invokes mild anger in the waste of money and energy. I need to turn this christmas frown upside down...I'll go look at your pom poms. They make me happy!
